Karri-borlbme Kun-wok

kudjewk, mandjewk, andjewk

kudjewk, mandjewk, andjewk

Listen Yi-biddjuyme (Click play)

English Translation
wet season, rain
(Bale ka-yime karri-ngeybun?)

Listen to the audio file and pay attention to the diphthong written ʼewʼ [ɛu] "A diphthong, also known as a gliding vowel, is a combination of two adjacent vowel sounds within the same syllable. Technically, a diphthong is a vowel with two different targets: that is, the tongue moves during the pronunciation of the vowel." (Wikipedia)


-djewk means 'rain'


Kudjewk 'wet season'
mandjewk 'rain' (Kunwinjku etc)
andjewk 'rain (Kundjeyhmi)
The noun rain goes with the verb -djakdung 'to rain'. To say it's raining, you add a third person singular prefix ka- 'it', just like you do in English (what linguists call a 'dummy subject') ka-djakdung 'it's raining'.

(Bale kabirri-yime?)

Kudjewk wanjh yimerranj, mandjewk nakimuk kanbun kadberre.
It has become the wet season and we are being affected by heavy rain.

10 Jan 2017